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Google Ads campaigns (formerly AdWords campaigns)

Google Ads campaigns (formerly AdWords campaigns) is a guarantee of reaching users exactly when they search for your product or service. Do not hesitate and entrust professionals with running and optimizing your campaigns – we will generate more revenue for you, increase conversion rate and deliver more customers.

Why should you do this with us?

  • We will introduce you to the world of internet marketing
  • We will analyze your sales activities
  • We constantly optimize, test and experiment
  • Dedicated project supervisor and team of specialists


Analysis of sales activities

Before we start optimizing Google Ads campaigns, we will get acquainted with your current online activities: we will delve into Google Analytics reports, check the quality of your website, analyze the current structure of your Google Ads account, paying attention to the keywords that characterize your business. </ p >

Fast and effective actions

Compared to other online marketing channels, PPC campaigns have a fairly quick return on capital (ROAS). Contrary to SEO, which is a long-term investment, the results of the Google Ads campaign (formerly the AdWords campaign) are visible in the first month of cooperation.

Increase in your revenues

Dzięki optymalizacji kampanii Google Ads pomnożysz swoje przychody, wzmocnisz rozpoznawalność brandu i zwiększysz ilość leadów. Nie spoczywamy na laurach – maksymalnie wykorzystujemy potencjał kampanii w wyszukiwarce.

The most modern advertising solutions

To achieve success, we are constantly looking for new solutions, implementing new tools or testing Ads advertisements. All this to achieve the best possible results and meet your expectations.

What will you get?

Below we present the areas where we can help you.

Kampanie w wyszukiwarce (Search)

Campaigns in the search engine are tailored to the user’s needs, which means that when looking for a specific product, we do not flood it with ads for every possible product, but only with those that match the results of its search. A well-run campaign ensures that your ad will be displayed in the highest position in the search results. You only pay for the effects – impressions, clicks or conversions.

Google Display Network (GDN) campaigns
YouTube campaigns
Shopping campaigns (PLA)
Mobile advertising
Lead campaigns
Foreign campaigns

Case study

You don’t have to take our word for it. Check how we improve the effectiveness of our clients’ advertising activities on a daily basis.


  • Thanks to the work of SEO experts, we implemented the proposed changes to our website, improving its visibility.

    A properly implemented linkbuilding strategy increased its position in the search engine. It is worth mentioning that working with the Semahead Agency is pure pleasure. Since its inception, our company has recorded regular increases, thanks to the work of experts who not only know the industry well, but also understand our business. Professionalism, high quality and excellent communication are the basis of our cooperation. Bearing in mind the overall cooperation and the results achieved, I recommend the Semahead Agency as a trustworthy partner who has a real impact on the business results of our company.

    Mateusz Ciba - Project Manager
  • The Semahead agency provides us with services in the field of PPC, SEO, Content Marketing, web analytics and Social Media.

    We appreciate the professional approach of specialists, which is manifested in the knowledge of the market and great commitment to building the image of the Black Red White brand on the Internet. I recommend the Semahead agency as a trustworthy partner in conducting internet marketing activities.

    Magdalena Matela - Manager e-commerce
  • Semahead Agency is a unique group of experienced SEO, PPC, Social Media, Content Marketing, Analytics and Marketing Automation experts who are eager to share their knowledge and help in discovering the most effective ways of business development.

    Professional approach, customer service and the ability to communicate on both sides, unparalleled in the market, make Semahead a trustworthy partner. Throughout the period of our cooperation, they have built enormous trust, incl. thanks to the much-needed critical thinking skills, both to the client’s propositions and ideas, and to their own strategies or results.

    Mateusz Piszczek - Digital Marketing Manager
  • Professional, fruitful and pleasant cooperation. Semahead has been with us since 2016 and we can no longer imagine SEO activities for without them.

    The organically growing player base is a key issue for us, and thanks to the Agency, the charts are growing again. We appreciate a flexible approach to our changing needs and patience. The constant possibility of consulting with Semahead experts is invaluable, and besides … we just like each other 🙂

    The Gamedesire team
  • We have been cooperating with Semahead in the field of SEO for a very long time.

    What we value most is the professional and individual approach to the client, constant and always problem-free contact, as well as the opportunity to meet at any time and discuss individual activities. I recommend Semahead to everyone who is looking for an SEO agency with a modern approach and a competent team.

    KEI team


Competition analysis

We check your competitors to see who you will be up against. We analyze what online activities the competition is taking, what keywords are positioned for and what is their position.

Senuto – with him we select the largest competitors for the most important key phrases.

Searchmetrics – we use in export campaigns to check keywords for which the competition is positioned.

Auction analysis – provides us with data about other advertisers who have participated in the same auctions.

Site analysis
Campaign management and optimization


Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about Google Ads campaigns.

Who is the owner of the Google Ads account?

If you already have a Google Ads and Google Analytics account, you are the account owner. In order for us to take full advantage of Google Ads, we will ask you to grant access to your account at the administrative level. If you do not have an account yet, we will create one on your behalf and give you access so that you can check the results of individual campaigns at any time. After completing the cooperation, we will provide you with all access at the administrative level, so that you become the owner of the account. This way, you will keep your account history for further analysis.

Who is the owner of the Google Ads account?
What am I paying for?
How much must my campaign budget be?
How can I top up my Google Ads budget?
What does the Google Ads campaign support include?
How are campaign results reported?
What do the indicators in the reports mean?
After how many months can conclusions be drawn?
Why should the campaign be continuous?
How to judge if the campaign is run properly?
What is a campaign?
What is an ad group?
Is Google Ads just a text ad?

If you already have a Google Ads and Google Analytics account, you are the account owner. In order for us to take full advantage of Google Ads, we will ask you to grant access to your account at the administrative level. If you do not have an account yet, we will create one on your behalf and give you access so that you can check the results of individual campaigns at any time. After completing the cooperation, we will provide you with all access at the administrative level, so that you become the owner of the account. This way, you will keep your account history for further analysis.

The amount you spend on advertising in Google Ads is made up of your advertising budget and agency margin. The advertising budget is the amount you spend on advertising, which is what you pay to Google. We set the budget at the beginning of the cooperation, so that we know what funds we have and what results we can expect. The budget is flexible and you can always change it during the cooperation. The second component of the amount is the agency’s margin, which is set at the beginning of cooperation. It depends on the size of the campaign and the scope of the work.

Budget is the monthly amount you want to spend on your Google Ads ad, excluding the agency’s margin. When preparing the offer, we ask you to specify how much you are able to spend on a monthly campaign so that we know the scale of your business. You will also receive an estimate that will present the forecasted results of the campaign in the budget you set. If the budget is too small to achieve satisfactory results, we will present you with a budget proposal that will be optimal for the set goals, or we will narrow the campaign to bring the estimated budget closer to your possibilities.

There are several payment methods that you can use when working with us. After determining the budget, you can fully entrust us with billing issues. Then we will take care of the settlement with Google, and the budget used by us will be added to the total invoice, which will be issued to you at the end of the month. The second solution is to link your credit card account. Then you top up your account, and we make sure not to exceed the agreed budget. In this case, the invoice issued at the end of the month only shows the margin for the agency.

The scope of Google Ads services includes, among others, creating and configuring a Google Ads account, jointly setting goals, creating remarketing lists, establishing and implementing a campaign structure or text ads. We will conduct and optimize campaigns on an ongoing basis, and present the progress of our work in a report once a month.

Every month you will receive a report from us in which we will present you basic campaign metrics such as views, clicks, CPC, CTR, revenue or conversions. Thanks to them, you will be able to compare different campaigns, assess traffic sources or decide on budget allocation. We will provide you with reports in Google Data Studio, Excel or pdf. Each report will be accompanied by a comment from a specialist who will interpret the data.

Metrics included in the reports allow for an initial evaluation of the campaign. The most popular are:

Impressions – The frequency with which the ad is shown to the user.

Clicks – the desired interaction when the user meets the ad. After clicking on the ad, the user is redirected to the target page.

CPC (Cost Per Click) – cost per click. The amount you pay for each click on the ad. With this billing model, you don’t pay for the ad impression.

Budget (cost) – The amount you want to spend on the ad. Declared at the beginning of the month.

Revenue – E-commerce used total revenue or total transaction amount

CTR – (click through rate) – the click-through rate is used, among others, for to determine the effectiveness of campaigns.

Conversion – the desired action that the website user will perform, e.g. filling out a form, going to a contact page or purchasing.

Keyword – A phrase or word selected in your account to trigger an ad display after a search engine user enters it.

It depends on the budget of the campaign and the amount of data it generates. The larger the campaign budget, the more data is needed to optimize the campaign. The first month is usually a test month during which we check what activities are the most effective, which keywords convert best, and what products or services best achieve the set goals. The first permanent effects appear after 2-3 months.

The continuity of a campaign and its history have an impact on the Quality Score of that campaign. Quality Score is one of the most important factors in influencing your ad position. The higher the Quality Score – the less we pay for an ad click.

First of all, the campaign is conducted properly when it achieves (or even exceeds) the goals set at the beginning of cooperation and when you are satisfied with the cooperation. Month by month, the campaign should also have better and better results until its potential is exhausted. To evaluate the campaign, it is necessary to analyze the campaign metrics that are included in the monthly reports.

A campaign is a set of ad groups that share a common element such as location, budget, and topic targeting. Often organized by categories of products or services you offer.

Part of the campaign. Contains advertisements with similar goals. Each ad group should have at least 3 different text ads and one responsive ad that lead to one landing page.

No. Text advertising is the most common form of advertising on Google and appears in selected places on the search results list. However, Google offers many more formats and ad placements. You can run your ads on the Display Network (GDN) and reach people browsing websites, watching a YouTube video, using Gmail, or from mobile devices and apps. You can reach them thanks to banners or video ads. If you run an online store, you can sell your assortment using Shopping ads that show, among others, a photo, price, and product name.

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