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About Semahead

The values ​​represented by the Semahead signet are directly embedded in the genotype of the entire agency and each department. Hence the triad of these values ​​is expressed by a triangle.

The sign created in this way illustrates each section of our competences, the set of which makes up the emblem of the full 360 offer. The synergy of these values ​​builds a universal manual for the daily work of each of Semahead experts – regardless of the area of ​​professionalization.

Knowledge, strategy, technology

Three pillars: knowledge, strategy, technology are the most important values ​​for us, which consistently lead our campaigns to the avant-garde of Polish performance marketing.

Three pillars


In the era of dynamic development of digital marketing, it is not enough to work properly.

Competences must be integrated into the process of continuous development of an organization, and using knowledge is an indispensable part of the agency’s work. That is why at Semahead we constantly train – ourselves and our clients. Because we understand that our knowledge gives us an advantage over the competition.

Innovative training
with digital marketing

The most up-to-date blog
marketing experts in Poland

Our experts are speakers
at leading industry conferences

We conduct academic classes
at university


We analyze

Current activities should always be observed from different perspectives. When working with data, intuition and subjective evaluation of the whole are not enough.

Tough decisions must be made based on hard facts and figures. Therefore, the analysis process is integrated into the work of all teams at Semahead.

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