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Marketing Automation implementation

Our tool implementation offer marketing automation consists in organizing and automating all activities in the area of ​​sales, marketing and customer service. We configure tools tailored to your needs in such a way as to maximize your profits.

Thanks to this we increase your business and making it even more profitable.

What’s in the offer?

  • We will choose the appropriate marketing automation tools
  • We will build a strategy tailored to your needs
  • We will create an action schedule
  • We will implement the selected tools and provide their current support
  • We will analyze the actions and perform the current optimization

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We have the necessary know-how

We have several years of practice in implementing marketing automation in companies of various sizes and industries. We know different systems and we can precisely match the tool that meets your expectations.

We help from the very beginning to the end

We’ve been with you since the very beginning of implementing marketing automation in your company. We assist with the integration, thanks to which we immediately take into account important issues that will affect your result in the future.

We save your time and minimize commitment

We are able to implement planned activities in the shortest possible time. We have all the necessary resources to automate your business processes.

We plan creative campaigns

We design your campaigns in based on the 360 ​​° strategy and design tools < span class = “NormalTextRun SpellingErrorV2 SCXW43320449 BCX0”> thinking . Thanks to agency resources, we are able to take care of every detail in working with you and provide you with the highest level of our service.

We optimize activities

We provide constant analysis and optimization of all activities, providing detailed reports and recommendations for necessary changes.

We are constantly developing our marketing automation skills

We are regular visitors to trainings led by producers of marketing automation systems, as well as conferences digital marketing.

What will you get?

What exactly will you find in our offer?

  • Tool selection
  • Building a strategy
  • Schedule of activities
  • Implementation and ongoing service
  • Analysis
  • Continuous optimization

Case study

You don’t have to take our word for it. Check how we improve the effectiveness of our clients’ advertising activities on a daily basis.


Find answers to the most common questions about strategy marketing automation.

What are lead generation and sales support activities?

We will help you generate leads sales with all kinds of forms and integrated additional tools. We will introduce the appropriate segmentation, and then implement automations supporting effective lead marketing. We will base our actions on sales funnels and lead scoring and o the automatic system alerting .

What are lead generation and sales support activities?
What is Automatic Lead Nurturing?
What are the best e-mail marketing practices?
What is email marketing automation?
vWhat does e-commerce marketing automation look like?
When are Omnichannel actions effective?

We will help you generate leads sales with all kinds of forms and integrated additional tools. We will introduce the appropriate segmentation, and then implement automations supporting effective lead marketing. We will base our actions on sales funnels and lead scoring and o the automatic system alerting .

Acquisition </ span > leads Sales requires their education. For this purpose we will use automatic mailing campaigns as well as activities in other channels. We design Lead Nurturing < span class = “NormalTextRun SCXW129638557 BCX0”> tailored to specific offers and stage on the shopping path.

When creating mailing campaigns, we only stick to good practices and the highest standards. We will take care of all elements influencing the delivery of your messages, including proper and regular hygiene of the base. We will plan the campaigns themselves based on customer segmentation.

E-mail marketing automation j is one of the key activities in the field of automatic marketing. Allows for quick contact with freshly acquired leadami , shortening the shopping path and maximum personalization of the message. Automatic email campaigns are on average several times more effective than mass mailing.

e- commerce are characterized by the need to quickly respond to customer needs and adjust contentu to his expectations. That is why we analyze the purchasing paths of your target group and then set up automatic scenarios that will serve your user at every stage of the sales funnel.

Marketing and sales activities they are only effective when the message is consistent across all channels. The strategy we prepare is to communicate with the client – at the right time and place.

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