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Facebook contests are a great way to attract new users and increase their engagement. This task may seem like full of pitfalls and formalities. It’s easy for us.
We have been successfully running contests on Facebook for years, which were successful.
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An engaging contest on Facebook with attractive prizes will increase your brand awareness and gain new followers. Depending on the nature of the competition, it may also translate into an increase in sales.
Każda społeczność – również ta wirtualna – lubi się czuć doceniona. Konkursy na Facebooku z nagrodami to dobry sposób na pokazanie, że jest ona dla Ciebie ważna. To z kolei pomaga budować grupę stałych klientów oraz ambasadorów marki. Zgłębimy rynek, na którym działasz, poznamy preferencje Twoich klientów i stworzymy persony Twojej marki w social mediach. Pomożemy Ci wykreować jak najlepszy wizerunek. Wiemy, jak tworzyć oryginalne treści – niezależnie od branży.
Competition is a good way to launch a new product on the market. Your community will not only be informed of its existence, but will also have the opportunity to test it first. The positive buzz around the offer can make contestants willing to buy your product, even if they don’t win it.
A competition task may be a good way to check your fans’ preferences, their problems that your product can solve or why they value your services. This is a great excuse to get to know them better. This is valuable knowledge – it is worth having!
Competition is an effective way to activate current observers, as well as attract new ones. What is the recipe for the competition that will have a positive, wide impact? Detailed development of the competition mechanics, creation of legal regulations, a creative task with an adequate entry barrier and an attractive prize, appropriate promotion, as well as high availability and responsiveness in answering participants’ questions. </ p >
What exactly will you find in the Facebook competition offer?
You don’t have to take our word for it. Check how we improve the effectiveness of our clients’ advertising activities on a daily basis.
No profile analysis or communication strategy can take place without these tools.
Find the answers to the most common questions about Facebook contests .
Maybe, but not always it is profitable as it involves a lot of formalities and costs. The gambling act determines the rules for conducting lotteries. To organize a lottery on Facebook, please submit to the Tax Administration Chamber:
All paperwork must be submitted 2 months before the lottery starts. Additionally, the lottery must be controlled by a person holding a certificate of the Minister of Finance. < / span>
These requirements apply not only to contests on Facebook, but also contests on other channels – as long as there is an element of randomness in selecting the winners.
Maybe, but not always it is profitable as it involves a lot of formalities and costs. The gambling act determines the rules for conducting lotteries. To organize a lottery on Facebook, please submit to the Tax Administration Chamber:
All paperwork must be submitted 2 months before the lottery starts. Additionally, the lottery must be controlled by a person holding a certificate of the Minister of Finance. < / span>
These requirements apply not only to contests on Facebook, but also contests on other channels – as long as there is an element of randomness in selecting the winners.
How are Facebook contests and the law? The Personal Income Tax Act and the Act on the provision of electronic services define the amount of the tax (defined as “income from other sources”) on the prize in the online competition at 10% of the value of awards. The following contests are excluded from the tax: < / p>
The tax also does not apply to competitions where the value of the prize does not exceed PLN 760. The organizer is obliged to collect the tax and send it to the tax office in the annual PIT-8AR declaration.
When organizing Facebook contests, there are a few things you need to avoid. You cannot require the contestant to: </ p >
The regulations of the Facebook contest must include such entries as:
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