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Google Ads account audit

Audit is a procedure of analyzing a functioning account in terms of detecting the potential to improve the effectiveness of Google operations Ads . Do you feel that your campaigns could perform better? Take advantage of our offer and see what you can improve in your advertising activities to make their effects even more satisfying.

What’s in the offer?

  • We will suggest how to improve your advertising activities
  • Detailed report
  • Check campaign settings
  • Individual approach to the client

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  • You will be sure that your campaign is optimally set
  • You will learn about the good and bad sides of the campaign
  • You will learn what you can improve and how to make better use of your budget
  • You will learn whether the account is at the highest level - in accordance with good practices
  • You will discover the unused advertising opportunities of your website
  • You will find out if the campaign is aimed at your business goals

What will you get?

audit Google accounts Ads ? What items will we analyze?

Account configuration

In the Google Ads audit (formerly Google AdWords), we will check a dozen or so elements that will allow us to determine if the account is properly configured. We will verify the connection and data import from Google Analytics, we will follow the budget and settlements or analyze the automatic tagging.

Account structure
Campaign settings
Control of indicators

Case study

You don’t have to take our word for it. Check how we improve the effectiveness of our clients’ advertising activities on a daily basis.


  • Thanks to the work of SEO experts, we implemented the proposed changes to our website, improving its visibility.

    A properly implemented linkbuilding strategy increased its position in the search engine. It is worth mentioning that working with the Semahead Agency is pure pleasure. Since its inception, our company has recorded regular increases, thanks to the work of experts who not only know the industry well, but also understand our business. Professionalism, high quality and excellent communication are the basis of our cooperation. Bearing in mind the overall cooperation and the results achieved, I recommend the Semahead Agency as a trustworthy partner who has a real impact on the business results of our company.

    Mateusz Ciba - Project Manager
  • The Semahead agency provides us with services in the field of PPC, SEO, Content Marketing, web analytics and Social Media.

    We appreciate the professional approach of specialists, which is manifested in the knowledge of the market and great commitment to building the image of the Black Red White brand on the Internet. I recommend the Semahead agency as a trustworthy partner in conducting internet marketing activities.

    Magdalena Matela - Manager e-commerce
  • Semahead Agency is a unique group of experienced SEO, PPC, Social Media, Content Marketing, Analytics and Marketing Automation experts who are eager to share their knowledge and help in discovering the most effective ways of business development.

    Professional approach, customer service and the ability to communicate on both sides, unparalleled in the market, make Semahead a trustworthy partner. Throughout the period of our cooperation, they have built enormous trust, incl. thanks to the much-needed critical thinking skills, both to the client’s propositions and ideas, and to their own strategies or results.

    Mateusz Piszczek - Digital Marketing Manager
  • Professional, fruitful and pleasant cooperation. Semahead has been with us since 2016 and we can no longer imagine SEO activities for without them.

    The organically growing player base is a key issue for us, and thanks to the Agency, the charts are growing again. We appreciate a flexible approach to our changing needs and patience. The constant possibility of consulting with Semahead experts is invaluable, and besides … we just like each other 🙂

    The Gamedesire team
  • We have been cooperating with Semahead in the field of SEO for a very long time.

    What we value most is the professional and individual approach to the client, constant and always problem-free contact, as well as the opportunity to meet at any time and discuss individual activities. I recommend Semahead to everyone who is looking for an SEO agency with a modern approach and a competent team.

    KEI team


Find out the answers to the most common questions about auditing your Google Ads account.

What is an Audit of a Google Ads Account?

Audit is a procedure of analyzing a functioning account in terms of detecting the potential to improve the effectiveness of activities in Google Ads. The audit comprehensively looks at how Google Ads campaigns are organized and conducted and – most importantly – what effects they bring.

What is an Audit of a Google Ads Account?
Why should I do an audit?
When to audit your Google Ads account?
What does a typical Google Ads account audit look like?
How will I benefit from the Google Ads audit?

Audit is a procedure of analyzing a functioning account in terms of detecting the potential to improve the effectiveness of activities in Google Ads. The audit comprehensively looks at how Google Ads campaigns are organized and conducted and – most importantly – what effects they bring.

The most important goal of each audit is to identify areas where the effectiveness of Google Ads can be improved. If you can see that your activities do not deliver the assumed results, an effective audit is to answer the question why this is happening. The diagnosis is preceded by a painstaking analysis of each campaign. In addition, thanks to the audit you will learn what needs to be done to increase efficiency.

The optimal situation is a regular, comprehensive review of the account at least once a year – depending on the industry, it should be the off-season moment when we analyze the results and evaluate the strategy. In addition to the analyzes entered in the calendar, the audit will always work when:

  • the conducted campaign does not deliver the assumed results;
  • the implemented strategy does not meet its goals after several months;
  • you are looking for potential to increase efficiency.

Od ogółu do szczegółu – specjalistyczny audyt Google Ads spogląda na konto z perspektywy piramidy. Jej szczyt to konfiguracja konta. Specjalista weryfikuje takie elementy jak poprawność połączeń z zewnętrznymi aplikacjami, jak np. z Google Analytics. Ponadto sprawdza budżet, sposób rozliczeń, wdrożone reguły automatyczne, skrypty, listy remarketingowe, etc. Kolejny krok w dół piramidy to struktura konta – w zależności od celów stojących przed kampanią Google Ads ten krok analizy odpowiada na pytanie, czy funkcjonujące kampanie odzwierciedlają strukturę strony/sklepu internetowego.

W tym momencie następuje analiza każdej pojedynczej kampanii – od ustawień przez grupy reklam po słowa kluczowe. Na tym poziomie oceniana jest też dogłębnie efektywność kampanii. Czy dopasowania do słów kluczowych sprowadzają jakościowy ruch? A może docierasz do zbyt wąskiej grupy? Które hasła przepuszczają pieniądze bez żadnych efektów? Jak w kampaniach w sieci reklamowej sprawdzają się konkretne sposoby kierowania? Audyt odpowiada na te i na wiele innych pytań.

The final effect of the audit is a precise list of areas that can be improved. In addition to the diagnosis, there is also a prescription – based on our experience in working with many clients from many industries, we offer clear tips and propose specific changes. You will get a complete set of information with data – where, what and how to improve. You will know what errors to eliminate in order not to waste the budget. In practice, thanks to the audit, you will move your account to a higher level – you will lower your bids, increase the number of conversions, and eliminate ineffective campaigns wasting your budget.

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